My Hackathon Ideas - 2025

Hackathon Ideas Below are some of my ideas for our company’s Hackathon

I am currently in sick leave because of my sickness associated with the weather change to summer and persistent pollution and dehydration in Bangalore. And, I usually have an active Brain and it becomes hyper active when I get sick (because, of course, the unused energy of my body is there for my brain to consume). So, it generated these below ideas for our upcoming Hackathon way later in the year, during November.

1-step Courteous UDP This is a protocol enhancement like we need to add just 1 level of courtesy to the UDP without going down the rabbit hole of courtesy or niceness. UDP is my favourite type of layer 4 protocol, it just gives out information directly without any expectation for niceness and it doesn’t care to be nice, but it might be less useful for few cases and so, thought of adding one step of niceness to it.

LFS for Sony This is to build LFS project for my Sony Laptop, may go till distro.

The Punchline Mentor AI for Spirituality There are plenty of AI out there for this, but this is purely for self educational purposes only and maybe to use it to showcase at work ;). This is much closer to my heart. I might do this first.

What do you think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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