Why did Cain kill Abel? - My POV
Why did Cain kill Abel?
In the fourth chapter of Genesis, from the Bible, Adam and Eve had 2 sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was farming crops and Abel was rearing sheeps. Cain and Abel were supposed to offer their products to the God, Cain offered probably some average crops for namesake as it was not his first time but Abel being the first time offerer, totally stole the show. Abel offered to the God, the fattest and the best lamb in his farm. Abel hustled hard and was able to make the best of his efforts. Cain’s domain was boring and took too much of his time and he didn’t have enough energy or enthusiasm left in himself to make it his best work, much like the life of an Average Linux Kernel Developer.
God received both their offers and was totally pleased with Abel’s. Of course, hardwork pays back. But, the senior one got offended, as Cain, the senior one thought that as usual, God would have selected Cain’s offering and he also thought that God was entitled to accept the offering of the first born son.
Then, Abel drunk with pride started showing off and this pissed off his older brother completely. Cain never had hit his baby brother as he knew Abel was too weak and small to fight back and survive and of course Abel was his brother.
But that night was different, his baby brother had taken away his dignity as per his opinion. So, when Abel was pissing Cain off, Cain hit him hard. Abel died then and there. He got scared and buried his brother’s body in the woods.
So, was working hard or hustling the reason for Abel’s death? Well, not directly, but pissing the stronger brother off definitely was the reason.
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