My bashrc # some more ls aliases alias ll='ls -alF' alias la='ls -A' alias l='ls -CF' alias vi='vim' # Alias definitions. alias date1='date +"%d%B-%T"' alias date0='date1|cut -d':' -f1' alias gitlsco='git status -s' alias gitco='git checkout' patchfile() { git diff $1 > ~/patc patch $1 < ~/patc } newmd() { cd / if [ -z "$1" ]; then FILENAME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") else FILENAME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")-$ fi touch $FILENAME echo "---" > $FILENAME echo "title: \"${2:-New Post}\"" >> $FILENAME echo "date: $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")" >> $FILENAME echo "layout: post" >> $FILENAME echo "categories: $3" >> $FILENAME echo "tags: " >> $FILENAME echo "giscus_comments: true" >> $FILENAME echo "featured: true" >> $FILENAME echo "authors:" >> $FILENAME echo "- name: Linda Joe Thadeus" >> $FILENAME echo "url: \"\"" >> $FILENAME echo "affiliations:" >> $FILENAME echo "---" >> $FILENAME echo "" >> $FILENAME echo "# $2" >> $FILENAME echo "" >> $FILENAME echo "Your content here." >> $FILENAME echo "---" >> $FILENAME echo "**What do you think?** Let me know your thoughts in the comments below." >> $FILENAME echo "$FILENAME created." } nurture() { mkdir -p /tasks/nurture/$1/{1-seed,1-soil,2-sowing,3-nourishing,4-fencing,4-pruning,5-harvesting} cd /tasks/nurture/$1 } echo " ________ .___ .___ / _____/ ____ ____ __| _/ __| _/_____ ___.__. / \ ___ / _ \ / _ \ / __ | / __ | \__ \ < | | \ \_\ \( <_> )( <_> )/ /_/ | / /_/ | / __ \_\___ | \______ / \____/ \____/ \____ | \____ | (____ // ____| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ " echo "" echo "Today is a good day :)" What do you think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.